Tuesday, February 6, 2018

How many Miraculous ARE there? (And other theories and thoughts)

Thus far we know that the recievers of the miraculous, they have color themes.

Adriens outfit is white over black. Mari is a dark grey over white with pink highlights. They are reverse of their suits and each other.
Thus far we know there are 3 new confirmed new holders. 
Chloe, which makes sense since she had honeycomb on her mirror in her bath room. She's wearing a YELLOW JACKET. Puns, the entire show is a pun. 
Alya is wearing orange and has auburn hair in a gradient and her color pallet looks really good with orange. 
Nino wears blue, which green is a pretty good compliment to it it. 

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There are 19 miraculous!!!! 
12, 1 for each of of the Chinese zodiac years. (There's Kwami concept art released!) 

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So even though we don't see all the kwami's featured we still know all of them. 
Rat, Ox, Tiger, *Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. (*Not released. Interesting since it's the only one.)

I'll be interested to see whether the miraculous powers have anything to do with the legend and zodiac typical traits. 

Anyway- the sides alternate 2 and 1 on each side. 7 on top. 

The class has 12 people besides Marinette and Adrien. Alya and Nino get one of the main 7. 

(Technically so does Chloe but if Alya not keeping hers becomes a trend.... Well we already know that Chloe is a jerk and becomes evil with in the episode that she gets hers and teams up with her akumatized dad. Could Style Queen be her mom?? She's not keeping it for sure. It's going to be a fight to get it back because Hawkmoth might see the trend and jump right on that and convince her to join his side.)

19- the 6 that we know about (Mari, Adrien, Nino, Alya, Chloe, Hawkmoth.) = 13. 13 - 8 (the others in class meaning Rose, Juleka, Nath, Kim, Max, Mylene, Ivan, and Sabrina)= 5!!! 

5 Unclaimed for new characters! Luka and Kagami are new so- 
Even with the utmost math there are still 3! 

There is a screenshot leak of Kagami transforming to the peacock, which honestly that's the only thing that make sense if you've seen the concept art- only she has that unique eye shape, I thought it was Natalie originally but not anymore. Not cannon yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't try to build an alternate team. Hawkmoth's best akuma villians had the same goals as him.

We also don't know if Hawkmoth will keep his. I think that they'll eventually catch him and uncover the real plot behind Adriens Mom and whatever caught/ killed her. Or why ever she left. Something to do with China. 
Ps can Hawkmoth READ THE GUARDIAN BOOK???? How could he just guess first try the exact power and weapon for Volpina the Rena Rouge had? NO WAY!!! 
Because if he can't getting the miraculous for Chat and LB would be useless because you need the say a spell/chant to be able to make that wish, making your efforts futile. There are no such things as coincidences in this show, either you meant it or you didn't. 

That's why I call out Adrien's crush on Mari and LB on Chat because of how extra sweet they are to each other. Glaciator when LadyNoir were "pretending" to like each other? Remember the only person in this show with any amount of acting skills is Mr. Agreste. 

The new powers are awesome but the water scares me with the underwater kwami designs. 
WAHT DOES THIS MEAN?!!? Chloe and Kim forevvvva. Chloe and Nath doesn't make sense. :p (See Desair Bear- he still wants her- their both the jerky jocks of the group.) Chloe and Nath is a nice idea but not likely, and confirmed in a recent interview that it will NOT be happening. 
Even less sense would be destroying the shows main ship. Don't abuse Adrien more than he already is by shipping him with Chloe. I know they were childhood friends but keep in mind he doesn't like her that much anyway, he just gives her the benefit of the doubt for being his only friend for a long time. 
Theory here, the reason that nobody at Chloe's house was looking for Adrien on Christmas when he disappeared, is because they know he wouldn't go there voluntarily. He's not that into her so it wasn't even a question that he would be there- he wouldn't. 

Okay but does anybody else want a post reveal Christmas episode? AAAAAAAAHHHH!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Who is Queen B?

Ladies and Chats, I have reason to believe that Chloe, the confirmed holder of the Bee miraculous will become the evil Hawk loving kiss up we already know her to be.

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So Queen B looks like this yes?

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Familiar yes? Guess what? This girl's name is 'Queen Wasp.' She would be self centered enough to keep Queen at the head of the title. 
(And to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if this whole squad is the entire Bourgeois' family. The mayor is the only one with the same face shape as the blue guy. We don't know his English name, but in French it's 'Malediktor.' The sun like lady is 'Style Queen.' Style Queen, as of now could be a new character, Mrs. Agreste, or Mrs. Bourgeois. )

But a certain tweet caught my eye, now this is supposed to Thomas Autruc being factitious but I can't help seeing all of these coming true. 

Image result for chloe as queen bee kneeling before hawkmoth

She opens the box alone at night, Pollen (her new Kwami) explaining the whole schpeal, transforming then doing practice rounds in the mirror before going public during the next attack.

But of course, Chloe is precious to Hawmoth as we have seen in Season 2 the second episode, she causes all of the problems and makes life really good for him. And as we saw in the same episode, it's not like Chloe doesn't know how to be nice, she just chooses not to be. I wouldn't put it past her to just throw it out the window if Hawkmoth has a seemingly better offer than this exhuasting hero business. Perhaps a chance lie for her to have a chance to use the wishing powers herself- a chance to bring her mom back.

Chloe seems like the kind that would goof up and somehow Hawkmoth is going to enlist her towards His cause, and thus mayhem ensues.

As for the Amber Bourgeois tweet, I think that it's either fake 

Friday, October 13, 2017

Can Hawkmoth Akumatize HIMSELF?

Ladies and Chats! 

I present to you the PROOF the Gabriel Agreste and Hawkmoth are one in the same.

But hey, this is my opinion using photos from actual very PUBLIC sources I've found from around the internet. (I mean, how much more public could you get than the actual show, google,youtube, pinterest and the creator's twitter?) Which is where I aquired all that you see. All of the spoilers that I've see. So proceed with caution (if you care about that sort of thing).

(Also, warning, there will be lots of photos, because I have a point to prove! Also if you care about that sort of thing.)

Without further ado, I present to you Hawkmoth Agreste.

You may find it here. You have to pause it first to get the sound. Go ahead, click it if you dare. YOU'RE WELCOME.
I also tried to add the video that I found here from youtube.

If it doesn't work, try here.

Now to analyze the whole thing!

(That's right Zag! You can't keep it from me!)
Remember when there was a height chart released and everyone was all, "Oh no! Gabriel is 'shorter' than HaAAWkmoth, they can' pOSssiibley blah blah blah..." But Hawky was really just enlarged to show detail.
Or his face looks different.
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But lets get back to the new evidence.

There are some great spoilers in here.

In the beginning we see a cross between Gabriel aggressively looking for something, we're talking smashing things, including his prized portraits of Adrien, finding his childhood art work. (There's not a lot of story from that, it remains to be seen. Like Mrs. Agreste, we only know whatever happened to her, it hasn't even been a year, and she is in fact, alive. (I believe that is the AMAZING thing that Thomas Austruc keeps alluding to when he says "what if you have no idea what's really going on.")

But Gabriel is obviously looking for the book that Adrien took from the safe in the wall.
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Sorry for the crappy resolution, I tried.

Which Natalie caught on camera, so he knows... And that's how we begin the first episode. Gabriel was in the middle of examining the book when something work related so he stashed the book. And when Adrien took it it went from Lila to Marinette. Tikki lead her to Master Fu. 
Which will probably lead to Marinette trying to figure out why Adrien had it after she talks to Master Fu about the other Miraculous. (Though I doubt he tells her who Chat Noir is, unfortunately.)

(I have no idea how he didn't figure it out sooner because Adrien and Marinette have detransformed several times outside and inside of the house, how did they miss that?)

But He desperately needs this book now for this secret probably evil project, either to figure out how to enhance his skills or find weakness in Ladybug and Chat Noir's powers, so he can obtain the Miraculous and

And who best to go in search of it and take take charge than himself. "If you want the job done right, you have to do it yourself."
So he transforms HIMSELF into The Collector. To collect what he wants. So he holds up his chosen prop for the akuma, a blank sketchbook (always plenty of those in a designers mansion). But the outfit surprisingly similar to Hawkmoth's suit!

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Image result for Gabriel Agreste

You probably noticed how Hawkmoth held up a book and an akuma flew into in the usual fashion to reveal The Collector.
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 You can always see the hand of the artist in their creations.
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OH, would you look at that background, very nice.
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Isn't that right Gabriel?
"But how?" you say. That doesn't make any sense! Simon Says got him! 
But that is why the akuma's are dangerous, they can affect even a miraculous holders, that's why they run from them. (Examples, Chat Noir being caught in, Dark Cupid, Anti-Bug, Princess Fragrance, Reflekta, Puppeteer to name a few.)
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He used himself as a bait, a quick sacrifice, to make himself seem innocent and to lure Ladybug and Chat Noir into his home and with in arms reach.

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See how frustrated he is when the plan he staged fails?

Honestly, they have the same eye color and eye shape, same angry expressions nobody else in the show is this consistently angry and annoyed. (Chloe and Lila don't count. But we will see more of there terrors later.)

In the episode Simon Says, Hawkmoth takes a risk, and he pointed that out as Hawkmoth, he said, "that it could be risky." Simon Says is also the only villain he deterred from his goal. Why would he stop him from taking Gabriel? Hawkmoth also said that he "could feel the presence of Ladybug and Cat Noir," because they were in his home, but they left him alone. 

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See that excessive dip in the floor and the control panel?

The other question is where could the hide out possibly be? 
The unusual dip in the floor could raise or lower to where his lair is. I still believe him to be right on top of his very home, how would they get there in that amazing fight scene? The lair is mean to look large, but it looks about the size of Adrien's room.

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Note the large metal structure on top of the home for no apparent reason.
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Also the large fence. This goes a little beyond "over protective father." 
You can't tell me there's not room for this:
Image result for Hawkmoths lair

Inside a house with rooms like this but not limited to:

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We haven't even seen all of the house yet? This only accounts for half of the mansion. Gabriel also said himself that the house is "like a fortress," what could he possibly need that much protection from unless there's a need to hide or protect.

Then there's also the curiosity with Adrien's ring. Now, I can see ignorant, over protective father and all, but why the curiosity over a simple ring? He's a model, how surprising would that really be?

Because he knows that a miraculous when not in use looks different, like any common piece of jewelry. He has suspects something. His own looks like a simple broach locket, but when in use has purple wings. (Marinette's is simply black, Adrien's is silver instead of black and green.)
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A bit much, He has a general idea of what to look for, but not where or what it would look like normally. But he recognized the original shape and design. 

On top of that, nobody else has taken that much interest in the miraculous before, maybe Alya, but she's never tried to touch it! Not even Marinette and that is saying something.

Then there's the old news:

Image result for Gabriel Agreste

Same voice actor.

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You can't discount this moment, why would she be interested in Adrien's Mom, can't just be some random connection.

Image result for gabriel agreste looking at adriens ring
Just some interesting animations slips in there, oh sure they're probably nothing. Let's remember this show was made for a much younger audience than you and I. Ages younger than 10, hence nothing super scary has happened yet.

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Interesting logo choice. coincidence? I think not!

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More Butterflies, shoes, and maybe shirt? That or he's the flash.

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Horrificator. This design is persistent

How much more obvious can they make it?

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Like Father-

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-like son.
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See you in episode 1 of season 2! Either in December or off the internet with subtitles. Why can't the day come faster?

Now do you agree? Don't forget to follow for more news and theories and the like, comment what you think! Bye!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Can Adrien and Marinette Be Akumatized?

So can they be akumatized? 
I think they can, but the miraculous' make them somehow undetectable, so only under the proper circumstances. How else would Hawkmoth not have found them by now? And how would the heroic team not have tracked him down? (Granted, they aren't even really looking but that's a rant for another time.)

My theory is this: 
Adrien will realize that LB is just genuinely not interested and try to move on. (Though it will be hard.)  Marinette will be on the verge of giving up on Adrien when he asks her out. (But they do have to become better friends in the upcoming season.)

They'll begin dating but still without any idea who the other's identity is. They'll just conveniently get up during a date at the same time when a need to transform happens. 

Adrien: "Gotta go! I uh- forgot about something I need to take care of!" 
Marinette: "Oh me too, uh- see ya!" 
Adrien: "Want me to walk you back?"
Marinette: "Naw we're good, I've gotta go somewhere else first. Bye, see you tomorrow Charming!"

And that will go on for a while until one day it's Mari's birthday or an anniversary (Because we are still yet to see her birthday, it's got to be special). 
Early on in the episode, it begins with a finished akuma attack. On the way out, Chat skips the fist bump and just leaves. He's just really excited for his plans to celebrate with Marinette and he's distracted by his excitement to surprise Marinette. Chat never skips the fist bump and for some reason it bothers Marinette this time and she doesn't know why. As she overthinks it, she has one of her famous dramatic freak outs (complete with background illustrations) she'll realize that she actually likes Chat.

Later, Adrien will call Marinette and ask her where she's at he has a surprise for her. (Probably a romantic dinner or something heartfelt and equally adorable, put together all by him self. So much adorableness the fangirling will be uncontrollable.) Marinette will let it go to voice mail a few times because she's down and confused. She's starting to realize she has feelings for Chat Noir but knows that isn't fair to Adrien. Adrien is the boy of her dreams after all, right? So why is this so difficult?

She'll eventually answer out of guilt. When Adrien explains he has a surprise for her she'll likely say that she's not in the mood for surprises and say she just wants to be alone. He'll get concerned and ask why, wanting to help her in anyway. (Because he's a good boyfriend and that's what they do.)

But Marinette can't tell him about her feelings for Chat Noir, that's absurd and might give something away. She'll make up a story or lie or get angry and defensive. She may not even remember it's their anniversary, she's that distracted.) Something about being clingy and why does it matter? They'll both hang up the phone angry and sad. Which makes them both likely to get akumatized. 

Marinette is distraught for fighting Adrien, and for having shoved Chat away, he might be dating now! What is she gonna do! (Love square torturous feels!) Adrien will be disappointed in himself because he's lost both the loves in his life. But the real clinch is whoever takes off their miraculous. 

I think the miraculous makes you somehow undetectable. Plagg doesn't care about any of this really, he just likes cheese and knows that the square is a very simple thing. But he has been trying to get them together. In Dark Cupid he grabs specifically Marinette's letter out of a stack the size of the Eiffel Tower. (Tikki and Plagg are so helping, but that is also another topic for later.)

So anyway, Plagg's comments are super unhelpful and annoying so he's likely to remove it to be alone. Tikki will be trying to give Mari comfort and advice, telling her what she did was a mistake and if she'll only call back it will all be better, etc. I do think Adrien is more likely to get akumatized. You can even go further into the story and have his Dad come in and ask what's wrong and he will say generally why and he'll tell him to just grow up and move on and leave the room. Hurt and angry, we might even see the butterfly go right downstairs from his lair. This might also be where another hero gets Qued in.

Miraculous Ladybug Theories!

Hey everyone! I'm very excited to start this blog.
Though unfortunately it won't be as consistent as I'd like. But it will contain some interesting theories and analysis from the stand point of a girl who loves to write and knows the rules.
Hope you like it, stay miraculous!

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(A copy write notice, I own none of any of the above, following, left, right, etc. These characters belong to ZAG Toon. And if I take your fan art and display it, I hope you'll take it as a sign of appreciation. I'm not claiming anything here as my own, contact me and you'll get credit on the site, if not it shall remain anonymous. Or let me know and I'll take it down. I'm just unsure how to reach you so you can receive credit for you hard work and admiration for this show.)

I'm just an avid fan here to share her piece and theories for upcoming seasons. And if I'm correct in my predictions (and after years of practice I normally am) then some of this will come true. But I am going on an LDS mission August 3rd and will miss the debut of both season 2 and 3 so that is why the posts will suddenly drop off.
Thank you all!

Again, stay miraculous and ship LadyNoir!