Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Who is Queen B?

Ladies and Chats, I have reason to believe that Chloe, the confirmed holder of the Bee miraculous will become the evil Hawk loving kiss up we already know her to be.

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So Queen B looks like this yes?

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Familiar yes? Guess what? This girl's name is 'Queen Wasp.' She would be self centered enough to keep Queen at the head of the title. 
(And to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if this whole squad is the entire Bourgeois' family. The mayor is the only one with the same face shape as the blue guy. We don't know his English name, but in French it's 'Malediktor.' The sun like lady is 'Style Queen.' Style Queen, as of now could be a new character, Mrs. Agreste, or Mrs. Bourgeois. )

But a certain tweet caught my eye, now this is supposed to Thomas Autruc being factitious but I can't help seeing all of these coming true. 

Image result for chloe as queen bee kneeling before hawkmoth

She opens the box alone at night, Pollen (her new Kwami) explaining the whole schpeal, transforming then doing practice rounds in the mirror before going public during the next attack.

But of course, Chloe is precious to Hawmoth as we have seen in Season 2 the second episode, she causes all of the problems and makes life really good for him. And as we saw in the same episode, it's not like Chloe doesn't know how to be nice, she just chooses not to be. I wouldn't put it past her to just throw it out the window if Hawkmoth has a seemingly better offer than this exhuasting hero business. Perhaps a chance lie for her to have a chance to use the wishing powers herself- a chance to bring her mom back.

Chloe seems like the kind that would goof up and somehow Hawkmoth is going to enlist her towards His cause, and thus mayhem ensues.

As for the Amber Bourgeois tweet, I think that it's either fake 

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